• Media Training and Crisis Management

Media Training and Crisis Management

Companies must always be accountable, and act in accord with the social contract. However, changes in the media environment have led to complexifying needs for communication with a diverse set of stakeholders. It is important to have a dual understanding of logic on the media side and perspectives on addressing the mass media. This not only benefits a company’s crisis response, but also helps achieve sustained corporate growth. Our experienced consultants handle more than 200 media training and crisis management projects on a yearly basis, armed with a range of practical programs to help clients with their various challenges.

Media training programs are designed to provide valuable insights to a wide range of industry players, from executives to front-line PR professionals, administration officials, and politicians, as they face challenges posed by realistic scenarios. Crisis management programs offer rapid-response, expert support in interfacing with stakeholders, especially mass media, during crisis communication processes. This support is key to helping clients navigate critical hazards that could severely impact their corporate activities, such as compliance violations or accidents at production sites. Because we handle highly confidential information, we have the industry’s only facility dedicated to mock conferences and interviews, creating a more intensive environment. We also help clients build operations manuals to prepare for social risks.

Services Offered (Excerpt)

Media Training / Top Management Interviews / Business Briefings / Apology Conference Training / Image Consulting / Crisis Management PR Consulting / Crisis Management PR Manuals / China and Southeast Asia Crisis Management PR / Social Media Manual Development / Social Media Response Manuals / Social Risk Response Manuals

Past Crisis Management PR Projects

Product Defects / Quality Problems / Inspection Fraud / Accounting Fraud / Factory Fires / Environmental Pollution / Harassment / Personal Information Leaks / Drug Side Effect Problems / Medical Malpractice / Hospital-Acquired Infections / Violations of Antitrust Laws / False Advertising Violations / Unfair Incentivization Violations / Mass Food Poisoning / Stock Shortages


PRAP Consulting
PRAP Japan
